Purifying Dandelion Salad

Past week I posted DANDELION SYRUP RECIPE. Syrup is made of dandelion flowers. But, all the dandelion plant is useful, even the roots. The greens have the most diverse list of uses. Young greens. We use them in salads. They can also be cooked and then used in salads, pasta, with eggs…

Here comes the purifying dandelion salad recipe in 2 photos:

The same you can do with cooked dandelion. Cook the greens in simmering water for 3 to 5 minutes. Sometimes I add canned tuna to this salad. Then the salad is probably a little less purifying, but really good.

Dandelion is supposed to be a high source of vitamin and mineral content. Dandelion greens and flowers are supposed to purify the body. Leaves – young and mature – can also be dried and used to make tea.

But, it’s important to make sure that dandelions come from a clean, unpolluted source, free of pesticides and other chemicals. And be sure to wash them thoroughly before using.



  1. Why am I so scared to try it? I drink dandelion tea (purchased, of course!) but I can’t bear the thought of pulling dandelion from the yard and eating it. Maybe one day?

  2. That looks so yummy! I just pulled so many from our yard this past weekend and into the trash they went, ha, and I could have made this yummy salad.

    I’m sure I will have many more in my yard soon…I will have to try it!

  3. I didn’t know you could eat them either! ^

  4. That’s super cool, and yummy-looking! I’m going to have to give this a try when our dandelions sprout up.

  5. I never realized you could eat them. Thanks for sharing!

  6. This is so interesting to me. I always just thought they were weeds!

  7. Really interesting! Didn’t know!

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