Category Archives: To be Inspired

My Insta-World


Obviously I wanted to show you my running tights.

#beautifulnature #ilovenature

Obviously I wanted to show you my jeans. #ilovethesejeans


#ilovetea …and cute tea cups.

#makingspeltcookies – recipe: here

#ilovebreakfasts – breakfast smoothie recipe (2 cups): Mix together yogurt, banana, 6 strawberries, 2 handfuls blueberries, tablespoon honey, 2 tablespoons flaxseed. Add spelt puffs. If you want.

#ilovefood …and coffee!

Obviously I wanted to show you my… Hmmm… Sexy socks. Well, it was really cold that day! ;)

#nightskiing #skilessons – We went skiing with our little guy three nights this week.




Today: lots of family time, a little spa-indulgence, a little food, a little walk by the sea… Today has been a great day. And now, this Friday evening, I’m at home chilling and posting these photos on my blog. Just some random phone photos taken over the past two weeks or so…

Have a wonderful weekend!!

p.s.: People on my Instagram account have probably seen these before. Sorry for the repeat if you did!


My Insta-World

My cousin grows her own lavender and makes essential lavender oil and a lot of other lavender products. She also makes these great lavender soaps. I got these from her last week. They smell great and they’re great for skin, too.

We drove a little higher to find a little snow, which we miss. Not much snow here this year so far. The little guy enjoyed so much. We also made some winter portraits there, half-portraits and a snow dinosaur. :)

I love seeing his drawings. Like this dinosaur family for example. :)

This is my new jewelry bowl. I made this one the same way as I did the bowls the other day – look here: Coconut Shell Bowls on Wooden Base. But, this time I used only one coconut shell, smaller piece of wood and a different color – purplish red (which I love by the way).

There’s always some good food on my Instagram, too. Sunday breakfasts are still my favorite.

And a snapshot from one of our walks last week. Everything, even the roses are prepared for winter to come. But all we have is rain.  

Hi there! You’ve seen these before, if you follow me on Instagram . If not, here’s just a little insta-update of these first weeks of the year: just some little things and a few inspiring moments that I (obviously:)) captured with my phone or camera.

I hope you’re having a lovely Sunday!