Category Archives: To be Inspired


These are just some snapshots that have been taken here and there in the past two weeks or so. I saw some beauty in all of this. And spring. Spring is there in these photos, too. I hope you see both.

A happy Easter (if you celebrate) and a wonderful weekend to all of you!


My Insta-World

We celebrate Mother’s day on 25th March. I got these from my guys.

A little pizza picnic – first picnic outside this year.

I baked yogurt doughnuts with my little guy. (recipe: Baked Yogurt Doughnuts.)

I bought and got a lot of flowers this month. March is also my birthday month.

No comment.

My cup of fruit.

Another healthy kind of snack: apples with peanut butter.

There was a beautiful day and we spent it outside.

Not so long ago we were skiing…

…and now – spring is here.

I’m totally in spring mood and if you follow me on instagram , you may have noticed this already (sorry for the repeat).

Have a great weekend!!


Spring has Sprung

photo: my archive (DIY bottle vase: here)

It’s been almost a month since I last posted. Wow!! I didn’t expect to put my blog on hold for this long. But, with a lot of work to do on one hand and this gorgeous spring weather on the other, it just turned out that way. My apologies for the silence. I’m coming back in the next days…

For now I just wanted to say thank you to all who sent me emails wishing me a happy birthday last week. Thank you!!

And my birthday also means that spring is here… Who doesn’t love spring?! I hope your week is going wonderfully so far…