I had some dried lavender left over from last year and I decided to make my own lavender massage oil.You can use dried or fresh lavender for making this massage oil. Lavender massage oil is very calming. It’s supposed to repair damaged skin, soothe itching, burns and bites. It’s also supposed to relieve muscle aches and tension – you have to massage the oil into the affected areajust before or immediately after sport. However, I really like the calming nature of the lavender oil.
If you’re going to make your own massage oil, you’ll need dried or fresh lavender and olive oil. Amounts depend on how much massage oil do you want. I used 3 handfuls of lavender and 2 cups of olive oil. Put lavender and oil in a cup, cover it and place it in a warm, sunny spot (window) for 3 days. Then filter the oil using tea strainer or filter bags. If you want even more scent, then repeat the process with filtered oil once again.
And then get someone to give you a massage! I’m sure you’ll find someone. :)
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