Our ‘Santa’ already came.

Our Santa Claus is Saint Nicholas (Miklavz). He came and visited us yesterday night. First he came to the daycare.

Today, on December 6, is the actual Saint Nicholas Day. This tradition is alive in many countries in Europe, related to surviving legends of the Saint Nicholas, the bishop, the gift-bringer, the children’s saint. In Slovenia Saint Nicholas is accompanied by angels and devils.

Yesterday only an angel came with him. Saint Nicholas brought gifts (mostly toys, fruits and candy) for the children. He left even more gifts for Arne and his cousins at grandparents’ house later on. And obviously he visited our home, aunt’s home and uncle’s home during the night, too. Nobody actually saw him in our homes. But, the gifts were there…

So, today is an important day around here! ;)


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  1. Exciting!!

  2. Your little one is so cute giving Santa a high five!


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