Category Archives: It´s a Boy!

Gift Wrapping for Kids

It’s presidential election, rainy and cold day here in Slovenia. It seems that winter has finally decided to show up this weekend. It’s time. It’s December.

I’m thinking about using this idea for this year’s Christmas wrapping for kid’s gifts. I’ve had this idea in mind for a while and today I had time to try it out. It’s December. It’s time.

I used brown craft paper, a little plastic dinosaur (You can use any little plastic animal, it doesn’t have to be an extinct one.;)), some old newspaper (magazine), silver spray paint and glue.

So, what do you think? I hope you’re having a lovely Sunday!!


Kid’s Menu for Today

Here is what my toddler ate today. (He eats two meals in daycare – morning snack and lunch.)

breakfast: whole meal biscuits, milk and vegetable fruit juice (similar HERE)

snack – in daycare:  pear and some yoghurt

lunch – in daycare: vegetable soup, potatoes, meat and beets; …but I think he didn’t eat beets, because he really doesn’t like it. :/

snack: banana and milk, mixed together

dinner: spaghetti with tomato sauce and grated cheese

I’m curious: if you have a kid or kids, what is their favorite food? My little boy loOOves spinach! :)


Flowers in Boy’s Room

Why not?!


I’m wondering if the shoes that I buy for my boy, would survive the washing machine after 30 and something years of living. This old, mom’s shoe survived it (by water temperature: 60 degrees C / 140 degrees F!).


(p.s. – The other shoe has been lost in time.)


I hope you’re having a happy, happy weekend!!