Category Archives: Does she have Style?

DIY – Leather Clutch Bag

I wrote THE OTHER DAY that I have a list of DIY projects to do. So far I’ve managed to make only one of them: a leather clutch. I’ve wanted to make it since I got THIS LEATHER.

Let me show you how I made it. It’s easy. …

(Click on photo for better view.)


I already wore my new clutch bag for the first time this past weekend. I like it. And I love the color of this leather.

So… What do you think about the clutch I made?


UPDATED, 29.10.2012

The clutch looks much better now, don’t you think?


DIY – Bleached Scarf

I bleached this pink scarf. I just followed directions on the bleach bottle. For more, check out the photos below.

I wear it now more than I used to.


What would I love to Wear Today?

I. Love. Simple.